we, the Klimacamps organizing circle, are people from Leipzig and all over Germany who co-organized the Klimacamp in Pödelwitz last year. And because it was so nice
last year, we will be back in 2020 and together we will set up a camp!
Why wait for the revolution when we can start it ourselves today? We want to create a home together for a week, for resistance, solidarity, beauty and creativity – a place for exchange and networking, for learning together and creative actions. And we’d love to have you join us! We are looking forward to new ideas, faces and support and invite you to the opening plenum. There we will start our planning process together and decide where and when this year’s camp will take place.
Our kick-off plenum will take place from February 21st (START: 16:00) to February 23rd (END ~15:00) in LEIPZIG (Demmeringstr. 32 in the Interim).
The organizing circle and the camp are organized in a grassroots democratic way. How this works, you will find out at the opening weekend. We meet every 6-8 weeks for our planning weekends in Leipzig.
The process is open for new people. No matter what knowledge or time capacities you bring along, you are welcome. We understand our common preparation process for the camp as a learning space. We would like to make the camp and our joint planning process sensitive to discrimination and we also see this as a joint learning process.
If you want to participate, please register under the following email address: INFO@KLIMACAMP-LEIPZIGERLAND.DE, you will then receive a more detailed schedule for the weekend.
Lastly, some information: The interim, the place where the plenary will be held, is barrier-free. There will be vegan food. If you have any food intolerances, need a place to sleep and/or child care, please mention this in your e-mail. The childcare is shared, so please bring your children with you.
We look forward to seeing you and the joint planning process for 2020!